Happy Dependence Day! (Flashback Friday 2015)

In the U.S.A. it’s time for hot dogs, fireworks and a long weekend of summer celebration.

While we collectively give thanks for our independence, it’s also a good time to reflect on how much we depend on others for our own success.

Why is it you speak your native language?
It’s very likely because that’s the language spoken by the people around you as a child.

Why do listen to certain kinds of music?
It’s likely that some people influenced what music you like and others (read as your kids) probably influenced what music you don’t like.

We are inexorably linked to those around us…

So what better time than Independence Day to celebrate our interconnected dependence?

Whether you are here in the states, or somewhere else in the world, take a moment this weekend to connect and reconnect.

  1. Connect: Send a short note or make a call to someone that’s helped you along the way and offer your appreciation. Your message will brighten the day of the person you are connecting with and help make a strong relationship even stronger.
  2. Reconnect: Can you think of someone you really care about that you haven’t connected with in a while? Just writing this question spurs a series of names for me (Rachael, Gary, Derek, JP, Martin…). Reach out! Let that person know, that even though it’s been a while, he or she is on your mind. There’s no better time like the present to erase the time and distance between you and an old friend. Remember not to celebrate too much, reach out too late in the evening, or make a questionable decision on whom to call or what to say…keep it light, positive and drama free…

Here’s to a productive, profitable and healthy second half of 2015 (and now 2016)!

